EPIC book presentation | Club nightSelect an Area
Grade: N/A Event Status: Programme |
Hits : 225 |
Monday 07 October 2024 Cost: $
Trip Leader: Contact: Raymond Salisbury
Email: Phone: 021 135 8739 |
Description |
EPIC: Adventures Across Aotearoa | Book on Southern Alps traverses, sea kayak expeditions, ultra runs from Cape to Bluff, and more! Over the last 50 years, sea kayakers, climbers and alpine trampers have been attempting audacious journeys across NZ that last many months. Most of these adventurers have written books on their travels. In EPIC, these tales have been condensed and retold. Folks featured include:
READ MORE about this EPIC book: MOVIE TRAILER on YouTube: Come along to this club night, and WIN a free copy of EPIC |
Registration |
ONLINE REGISTRATIONS are not currently available for this trip. Please contact the Trip Leader to book onto this trip.
, Waiting List Space: 0