
Nydia Saddle

Marlborough Sounds


Grade: Easy

Event Status: Completed

Hits : 747

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Sunday 07 April 2024

Cost: $20


Trip Leader:
Graeme Ferrier

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 022 162 1676
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A descent of approx 450m from Opouri Saddle following an old 'bridle' (horse) track 3km down to near  Duncans Bay. This goes through some magnificent virgin native bush. A short drive to Duncan Bay from where we take  the Nydia Track around Tennyson Inlet for approx 3km then another 3 km through more stunning native bush for lunch at Nydia Saddle. (347m) We return the same way to the cars at Duncan Bay. Total distance 15 km on a generally well-formed and well-used track. Should be back in Nelson about 5 pm.


It is IMPORTANT that "You contact the Trip Leader before registering" for a trip. Especially if you are new to the club or a non-club member (Visitor). The Leader will need to be confident that you have the experience, fitness and the correct gear to complete the trip successfully. :-)
CLUB MEMBERS must LOGIN HERE to register so that your details auto-populate the registration fields. You can edit these auto-populated fields but they aren't saved for later use. To permanently change them, edit them HERE." PLease register couples separately if both are attending.
VISITORS can register using their email address which will be used to send you trip registration confirmation details and the ability to cancel the trip registration. Please register each person attending separately.
Registrations are now closed
Number Registered: 9 , Waiting List Space: 0